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We have owned and loved French bulldogs since 2008.
It is our love and passion for the breed that has led us to managing a small breeding program that focuses on preserving the health and quality of the dog that meets the breed standard. We love providing proper education of the breed and enjoy speaking with anyone wanting to learn.
Our French bulldogs live a wonderful life located on 10 acres in beautiful British Columbia Canada.
We do not keep our dogs in a kennel, they are treated as equal if not the most important members of our family. They have full access to our home, a very large outdoor play area with a covered patio that is equipped with their own outdoor air-conditioning for their comfort and safety.
In our eyes there is no other breed that compares to the French bulldog. Their personality, size and temperament sets this breed apart from any other. That being said, they are not for everyone. They have limitations when it comes to outdoor activities, giving them different lifestyle requirements than other breeds of dogs.
Please explore our website to educate yourself about French bulldogs, meet our dogs and learn more about who we are as preservation breeders.

It’s no surprise to find myself being naturally drawn to purebred dogs. There is just so much beauty in a purebred dog, I cant help but admire and respect them and their breeder. Prior to raising French bulldogs I learned everything about showing and breeding dogs from my grandma Roma. She raised and showed Pembroke Welsh Corgis. I competed mostly in junior handling with dogs we co-owned together. History is repeating itself now with my daughter and I as I have come back to show dogs. It brought back so many memories walking back into the dog show, teaching my daughter everything my grandma taught me. I couldn’t have been happier watching my daughter walk around the ring proudly with her French bulldog puppy and couldn’t help but wish my grandma was there watching with me. I have such a strong love for the French bulldog, and I have set my standards very high with goals set to work hard on preserving the breed in conformation, temperament and health.

There is so much love and laughter packed into their perfect little size, the most important thing you can give to this breed is its health. Since 2008 French bulldogs have been very special members of my family. I always knew if I ever got back into showing the French bulldog would be the only breed to get me there. In 2019 I had an opportunity with a breeder to be a guardian home for a female show dog. After raising a couple litters for them I decided to attend a show in 2021 to get myself back in the ring. I have since surrounded myself with a great group of mentors within the breeds club members who have been involved with the breed for many years. I look up to these ladies that I share my goals with, and It is now my opportunity to start producing my own line of beautiful champion French bulldogs and assist in preserving this breed.
Aside from my love of French bulldogs, our family owns and manages a small equestrian stable located on our property. My daughter and I share a hobby with horses, training and competing in dressage events. Being at the barn surrounded by these incredible animals is so therapeutic. As unglamorous as it may sound, mucking out stalls, working in unfavorable weather conditions, grooming and caring for our horses is so good for my anxious mind, heart and sole.
While it may seem that I am pretty busy with my love and interests in animals, I am also the accounts manager for my families company that manufactures modular buildings such as portable offices and classrooms. My husband owns and operates his own landscaping company called Luxury Lawns synthetic grass, along with running heavy machinery.
My French bulldogs are for me, I look forward to watching the French bulldogs that I create in the show ring. I do not have interest in raising puppies for profit. I breed for myself and my goals are to breed towards the breed standard and provide my dogs and puppies with the health testing they need to improve and preserve the breed I love - Jen